No longer as truthful as should be deserved, some names, places and events deliberately vague to protect identities that aren't mine

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Nuptial Complications

"Inside that box are the most perfect wedding shoes ever, both visually stunning and cleated and I won't be able to wear them since I obviously wont be making the date for Emmet's fantasy baseball wedding, givenI don't have a chance of getting those important congresspeople to cosponsor my bill, which I need in order to get a hearing, in order to stop animal testing in order to reunite bruiser with his mothe,r in order to have them at my wedding, at which I was going to wear the most perfect wedding shoes ever, right inside that box."

"... They never covered this in the handbook."

1 comment:

  1. SQUEEEEEE. My second favourite film ever! (After the first one)
